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Child-Centered Support: Collaborative Divorce Counseling
Guiding Children Through Change

Understanding and Unity in Family Evolution
My collaborative approach is anchored in sensitivity to the unique needs of each child. Through gentle conversation and creative activities, I help children process their thoughts and emotions about the divorce. I then partner with parents to forge a path that addresses their child's needs, focusing on fostering resilience and facilitating a positive co-parenting environment.

Addressing Your Concerns with Care

  • While invaluable in safeguarding your child's emotional health during a divorce, these specialized services are not typically covered by insurance plans. I am committed to providing clear communication about the investment in your child's mental well-being.

  • Engaging with a specialist offers your child a neutral space to understand and articulate their feelings, ensuring they feel seen and heard during the family's transition.

  • Active participation in the collaborative process is key. I will guide you in understanding your child's perspective and offer strategies to maintain a nurturing relationship throughout the divorce.

Your Child's Well-Being is the Priority
If your family is going through a transition and you want to support your child in the most caring and effective way, reach out to me. I’m here to guide your family towards healing and understanding during and after divorce.